Boys & Girls Grade School State Coaching Band

Boys & Girls Grade School State Coaching Band

Price: $15.00

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About This Item

Online Purchases (tickets, coach-bands & programs)
You may pick up online purchases during the day on Friday starting at 10am or during weigh-in on Friday night at the pre-purchase tables. Anything not picked up Friday night will be at the "Will Call" window Saturday morning and will remain there through Sunday unless picked up Saturday. Please remember to bring your receipt with you. You may have someone else pick up the items for you but you will need to get your receipt to them so they can pick them up

Online Sales close 3/19 at 9pm

Coach Bands $20 at the Door.

All coaches entering the arena floor must have a coaching band. A coaching band is not for arena admission. Limit 2 coaches per wrestler in the corner. Coaches must also purchase an admission ticket to enter the arena.
No Refunds.

By purchasing and wearing the Coach Band you agree to:
-Showing respect for self and others at all times
-Display respect for the officials. Have the willingness to accept their decisions
-Have an understanding and appreciate the rules of the contest
-Appreciate skill in the performance of all participants and tournament staff
-Failure to follow these instructions could result in a ban from OAC Events